What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dissolution of a Union


In lieu of togetherness
of my own free will and accord
I have served notice
and am going on the record
to show cause
that I wish to cease and desist
being your chattel
declaring our contract null and void
in perpetuity

After the fact
of having sworn an oath
signing on the dotted line
the party of the first part
through the discovery process found
a breach of promise
extenuating circumstances
demonstrating that you obtained my consent
under false pretenses
conclusive evidence shows
that our partnership
is not bona fide
due to the questionability
of your moral turpitude

I assume liability
as a matter of record
for asking the leading questions
which met the burden of proof
knowing I can not exist without
possibility of parole or probation
serving consecutive life sentences
of meaningless quid pro quo

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tender Allies

I can’t help but notice
the way you look at me
stealing glances
full of meaning
when you think I don’t see                  

I can’t help but appreciate
the quiet comfort I have found
in cherished, tranquil moments 
spent together                                                                     
as pleasant companions
tender allies
for many years

I can’t help but wonder
where within the earth’s
many revolutions
our comfortable friendship
spun into something else
infinitely more precious
which has turned me into
a tongue-tied schoolgirl
hurled to fits of bashful shyness
unable to recover my voice                                                                
or wits

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Too Tired to Love Today

I was too tired to love today
anyone but myself and I
too defeated to stop and pray
cared not enough to even try
to guide a friend or point the way
for someone struggling through the day
I cared only for me-my-mine
I ticked the hours and lost the time

I was too selfish today to care
so wrapped up in my own desires
no smile, laugh or hug to share
in claiming kindness, I am a liar
a hectic, busy schedule leeches
energy – effort - time - emotion
ignoring all that goodness teaches       
to freely give of self; no notion

I was too tired to love today
Lord, give me strength to live your way

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Saving of Me

Your words flung me against the walls of my own prejudices
bruising and piercing me
in ways I could not bear

My heart beat against my ribcage
like a free-born; now-caged bird
flailing, fighting for remembered freedom

I can not share in your exact hurt, Sir
with pinpoint precision
nor can I isolate
or excise the tumor of misunderstanding
that has metastasized between us.

Insulated and separate, perhaps forever,
you are unreachable and shrink away from my touch

My fear prevents me from reaching towards the crucible
that you have become,
filled with violent, volatile, inhuman heat

Breathe sweet self, breathe …
I will not allow you to take my breath away, Sir,
for my breath is my own

I am injured and grasping for a foothold -
seeking something solid, something known and familiar
knowing I have stumbled,
I will move
onto more solid ground
away from you

Back I go, 
into the cage of my own making
clutching my breast to quiet my flailing, fighting bird of a heart –
which flutters and trembles still

Let it be that today my heart will once again rest easy within me
I have done my best to carefully cup and cradle her
within my hands
protectively soothing her
with gentle, charmed cooing 
as a dove

Whenever the breeze that carries your name 
whispers throughout the night
Of our shared and unforgotten secrets,
I will awaken and stop my ears from listening
oh wind of soulful voices, you are not real …
tormenting tempest which caws my innermost yearnings for all to hear,
you have lied
so beguilingly you tell of dreams unspoken, yet denied

Awaken and breathe deeply of self, breathe … damn you …
I will not allow you to take my breath away, Sir,
for my breath is my own

Back safe in my citadel of self
one day
with satisfaction I will know
it is better to live safely, alone in a known and comfortable room
than to share your ample palace
a prisoner to your petty words
and pain. 

Two Dozen Red Long-Stemmed Roses

Two dozen red long-stemmed roses
arrived with lots of baby's breath and                                        
a healthy dose of fern
a month after you left
for home on
your side of the pond

I must confess I called my friends
to brag about
their beauty
your generosity
and the implications of your gift

Two dozen red long-stemmed roses
held court on my dining room table
presiding in a formal place of honor
for almost two weeks
before I questioned your reticence
stupidly ... ignorantly ... unforgivably
allowing myself to believe that

Two dozen red long-stemmed roses
were a sign of mutual respect and affection
a celebratory place to begin us
but your messages did not come
except as replies to my inquiries
your short snippets as my tea time meal
of tripe and inedible gristle
served with indigestible trivia for pudding

on our infrequent, transatlantic calls you were surly
brusque and unkind
which cut me to the quick
slowly ... it dawned on me that

Two dozen red long-stemmed roses
were your memorial epitaph
a remembrance, of us
an odd funeral offering
as you were too cowardly to tell me
that we were at an end; not a beginning
so in ignorance, I had made a fool of myself
a daft, Yank hen - gone barmy

nothing tangible now except
the mass of rotting stems and petals
of  two dozen red long-stemmed roses
which faded and withered
leaving indelible stains on my best carpet
the only heart I possess

Chicken-Little Magpies


Chicken-Little Magpies
tweeting and twittering
screech the horror of falling skies
each new nano-second
I am plugged in

I know ... smut sells
but also
it smells
of someone else's pain and funk

Did I need to  …
revel in the excesses/distresses
headlines: "He Confesses"
dysfunctional antics
as addiction regresses
a once brilliant talent
into the public butt of jokes?
get the down low
low down
oh, so slow
of an Uber-rich couple’s break-up/breakdown

Does knowing that the Governor’s hemorrhoids
are healing nicely now
add anything
to my person
my mental state
or the richness of my life?

It upsets me
that war, disaster and poverty are too
and mundane
to hold our stunted attention spans

Go stuff your trash talking “news”
I don’t care who is diddling whom
if whom prefers boys to girls
or which politician rates highest on the scale of slimy
Scandal-Rama is so last year

So get hip you Magpies …
tell me something
worth hearing
sensational because it is so
uplift me
so I can lift up
my family
my community
my world

Tell me something
that will enrich us all
or tell me nothing,
nothing at all

This Woman's Scorn

If I could but hate you
I would
roundly, soundly
completely, replete
with loathing
awash in the negative flow
of icy emotion
drifting through eddies
cold and angrily swirling
bitterly biting back
my feelings
for contemptible you

If I would but hate you
I could
float on a river of malice
indulging myself by bathing
in currents of vigorous rage
filled with self-righteous indignation
bitter but wiser; animosity’s sage
mercenary woman
hell bent on a mission to hell
no inhibition or quiet submission
vengefully venting vitriolic venom

Oh, if I were a hating woman
I could have; would have
hated hard
been disgustingly mean
spiritedly unspiritual
would gladly have eaten
the poisoned apple
of willful, stubborn unforgiveness
knowing it would kill us both
while not caring a whit

Dance of the Mature Woman

I’m no spring chicken
In the midst of a gaggle
Of middle aged birds
Giggle, whisper, babble

Music swirls around me
Like the swizzle in my drink
Rhythmic beat so pulsing - loud
I simply can not think

You touch my hand, heroically
asking me to dance
As you lead me to the floor
clucking hens look on, askance

Whirling in the storm of sound
Spellbound by reviving motion
My bloom reclaimed; sparkle found
Ecstatic thrill – sparks emotion

Tomorrow’s reality will dawn
But tonight I sway; a gliding blur
Heart-beats tempo as time moves on
Old age, tonight - I will defer

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Running Hot and Cold

hate while raging, boils                                                       
soon chills to killing cold
where no heart can live
icy fingers choke out love
depth of feeling; devoid of                             

unforgiveness grows
to stunt, deform, isolate
stone cold hearts which beat
only for themselves; not you
hard-dead-frozen; through and through

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Song for the Moon

oh, luna
singularly funny-faced luna
reflective orb of smiling light
you dance the sky most every night
as crickets sigh, chirp and moan
with gilded threads as love was sown
‘neath harvest moona

my sweet luna
watchfully bright o’er nights eterna
a following friend to terra firma
cheek-to-cheek you tango; effortless grace
dipping-turning elegantly in airless, inky space

beloved luna
sing to me a remembrance of my youth
I knew too little to future fear; for this is truth
I danced – flirted – kissed – loved
I held the heat in hands ungloved
afire with fever you slipped and trickled
down to me on mists and moonbeams

reluctant luna
you show yourself
in dribs and drabs
like an Arab beauty at the souk
your shy-eyed; lingering gaze hovers above
silky veil of night - cloaking your visage in mystery
then suddenly - a full blown lantern you become
shining, as the noon-day sun
taking up the lions share of night sky
in vain stars vie
to equal luna

Silent Testimony

Sorting of shoes at Auschwitz
mountain of shoes
moldering pyramid
monument to death
wailing wordlessly
of unknowable life miles

tiny children's boots
the saddest by far
held toddling, unsure baby legs
learning to stand
beginning to move through the world
weeded out as tender seedlings
never permitted to grow or blossom

shoes of women
mothers, grannies, aunts
stepped by inches; feet
to their deaths
with brave trepidation
comforting themselves
and frightened children

strong steel-toed work boots
factory workers, machinists, farmers
well made expensive loafers for
well heeled; professional men
trudged hard towards death all
at the end of bayonets and gun barrels
strong, steel-spined men
each someone’s beloved
helpless to stop cold, steel-hardened hate

other mountains of shoes
other places
other grudges
in different, more modern times
tell of indecent-inhuman deeds
each generation striving to
best its predecessor’s
dedicated zeal in the killing arts of genocide

will humanity comprehend?
we have murdered
“those people”
so different, unimportant and
but rather, our own …

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Recliner Power

middle aged woman
sits rooted in recliner
unmoving fossil
too tired to exercise
mind, body, faith or patience

middle aged woman
alone with remote control
channel surfs her life
recording all; she often
fast-forwards the now
replays the unchangeable past

aging woman
blustery day dreams
needs fresh breezes
blowing through her hair each morn
asking her to risk comfort

goddess recliner
worshipped daily without fail
feet higher than all
bled me dry with sacrifice
of real present or future

Monday, March 7, 2011

Smoke and Fire

smoldering eyes heat
sudden flame sparks this flint heart
dried dreams as tinder
avert gaze or be consumed
by flash flared stare to cinder

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Digital Technol Oh Gee

zeroes and ones - zeroes and ones
seem so chaotic
too simple
yet everything runs on
zeroes and ones - zeroes and ones
are ordered; not random
always working in tandem
those zeroes and ones - zeros and ones

symmetry through digits
has created the widgets
we believe we can't live without
yet man through the ages
has thrived using pages
made of vellum or paper, no doubt

the pen and the pencil have days which are numbered
I fear this is all but too true
like the abacus and slide rule
they are facing extinction
and one day will be viewed at the zoo

zeroes and ones - zeroes and ones
are changing our world as you read
we trade insults and info
and all the world's knowledge
at magical, lightening speed

those zeroes and ones - zeroes and ones
are ordered; not random
always working in tandem
zeroes and ones - zeros and ones


crazed drafts lift dancers
avian grace pirouettes
swept up to blue haze

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Nature of Words


Squiggly, wriggly, higgledy-piggledy; words across the paper fly
Jiggle-y, giggle-y, fickle-y, wiggle-y; I don’t know the reason why

The words, the words, they never rest
From buzzing round my head and breast
Once they’ve hatched they will not nest
Nor let me slumber there

Words zip ‘round my head like flies
Nipping if I fail to rise
To give them life
Or fix their wings
They are the most contrary things

Rhyming and rhythm created a schism
Between the pillow and my head
Dreams full of meter
A penny per liter
Please drive these torturers from my bed

Squiggly, wriggly, higgledy-piggledy; words across the paper fly
Jiggle-y, giggle-y, fickle-y, wiggle-y; I won’t rest freely ‘til I die

Man's Work

Up and down the ladder he schleps
a sweating ant
repeatedly defying gravity by
working his way up and down the drain pipe

Cleaning the gutters
painting the shutters
re-glazing the windows
caulk gun wielded like a sten
in the expert hands of a stealthy sniper

Dried paint droplets
cling to a beloved shirt
ratty and too often rescued from the rag bag
splatters on his work boots
testify silently
to projects challenged, dueled and won

Mists of wood and shrapnel
cling to bed-head hair,
eyebrows and a steel wool beard
beneath squinted eyes the glint of
noonday sun is tamed

I remain on the ground
shouting helpful instruction
and encouragement
cool beneath the shade of my large straw hat
I am full of white hot inspiration
and cold beer

Still my hero
sweats and schleps up and down the ladder
defying gravity by
clinging to my heart

Wednesday, March 2, 2011