What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Chicken-Little Magpies


Chicken-Little Magpies
tweeting and twittering
screech the horror of falling skies
each new nano-second
I am plugged in

I know ... smut sells
but also
it smells
of someone else's pain and funk

Did I need to  …
revel in the excesses/distresses
headlines: "He Confesses"
dysfunctional antics
as addiction regresses
a once brilliant talent
into the public butt of jokes?
get the down low
low down
oh, so slow
of an Uber-rich couple’s break-up/breakdown

Does knowing that the Governor’s hemorrhoids
are healing nicely now
add anything
to my person
my mental state
or the richness of my life?

It upsets me
that war, disaster and poverty are too
and mundane
to hold our stunted attention spans

Go stuff your trash talking “news”
I don’t care who is diddling whom
if whom prefers boys to girls
or which politician rates highest on the scale of slimy
Scandal-Rama is so last year

So get hip you Magpies …
tell me something
worth hearing
sensational because it is so
uplift me
so I can lift up
my family
my community
my world

Tell me something
that will enrich us all
or tell me nothing,
nothing at all

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