What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Saving of Me

Your words flung me against the walls of my own prejudices
bruising and piercing me
in ways I could not bear

My heart beat against my ribcage
like a free-born; now-caged bird
flailing, fighting for remembered freedom

I can not share in your exact hurt, Sir
with pinpoint precision
nor can I isolate
or excise the tumor of misunderstanding
that has metastasized between us.

Insulated and separate, perhaps forever,
you are unreachable and shrink away from my touch

My fear prevents me from reaching towards the crucible
that you have become,
filled with violent, volatile, inhuman heat

Breathe sweet self, breathe …
I will not allow you to take my breath away, Sir,
for my breath is my own

I am injured and grasping for a foothold -
seeking something solid, something known and familiar
knowing I have stumbled,
I will move
onto more solid ground
away from you

Back I go, 
into the cage of my own making
clutching my breast to quiet my flailing, fighting bird of a heart –
which flutters and trembles still

Let it be that today my heart will once again rest easy within me
I have done my best to carefully cup and cradle her
within my hands
protectively soothing her
with gentle, charmed cooing 
as a dove

Whenever the breeze that carries your name 
whispers throughout the night
Of our shared and unforgotten secrets,
I will awaken and stop my ears from listening
oh wind of soulful voices, you are not real …
tormenting tempest which caws my innermost yearnings for all to hear,
you have lied
so beguilingly you tell of dreams unspoken, yet denied

Awaken and breathe deeply of self, breathe … damn you …
I will not allow you to take my breath away, Sir,
for my breath is my own

Back safe in my citadel of self
one day
with satisfaction I will know
it is better to live safely, alone in a known and comfortable room
than to share your ample palace
a prisoner to your petty words
and pain. 

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