What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dissolution of a Union


In lieu of togetherness
of my own free will and accord
I have served notice
and am going on the record
to show cause
that I wish to cease and desist
being your chattel
declaring our contract null and void
in perpetuity

After the fact
of having sworn an oath
signing on the dotted line
the party of the first part
through the discovery process found
a breach of promise
extenuating circumstances
demonstrating that you obtained my consent
under false pretenses
conclusive evidence shows
that our partnership
is not bona fide
due to the questionability
of your moral turpitude

I assume liability
as a matter of record
for asking the leading questions
which met the burden of proof
knowing I can not exist without
possibility of parole or probation
serving consecutive life sentences
of meaningless quid pro quo

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