What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Song for the Moon

oh, luna
singularly funny-faced luna
reflective orb of smiling light
you dance the sky most every night
as crickets sigh, chirp and moan
with gilded threads as love was sown
‘neath harvest moona

my sweet luna
watchfully bright o’er nights eterna
a following friend to terra firma
cheek-to-cheek you tango; effortless grace
dipping-turning elegantly in airless, inky space

beloved luna
sing to me a remembrance of my youth
I knew too little to future fear; for this is truth
I danced – flirted – kissed – loved
I held the heat in hands ungloved
afire with fever you slipped and trickled
down to me on mists and moonbeams

reluctant luna
you show yourself
in dribs and drabs
like an Arab beauty at the souk
your shy-eyed; lingering gaze hovers above
silky veil of night - cloaking your visage in mystery
then suddenly - a full blown lantern you become
shining, as the noon-day sun
taking up the lions share of night sky
in vain stars vie
to equal luna

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