What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Silent Testimony

Sorting of shoes at Auschwitz
mountain of shoes
moldering pyramid
monument to death
wailing wordlessly
of unknowable life miles

tiny children's boots
the saddest by far
held toddling, unsure baby legs
learning to stand
beginning to move through the world
weeded out as tender seedlings
never permitted to grow or blossom

shoes of women
mothers, grannies, aunts
stepped by inches; feet
to their deaths
with brave trepidation
comforting themselves
and frightened children

strong steel-toed work boots
factory workers, machinists, farmers
well made expensive loafers for
well heeled; professional men
trudged hard towards death all
at the end of bayonets and gun barrels
strong, steel-spined men
each someone’s beloved
helpless to stop cold, steel-hardened hate

other mountains of shoes
other places
other grudges
in different, more modern times
tell of indecent-inhuman deeds
each generation striving to
best its predecessor’s
dedicated zeal in the killing arts of genocide

will humanity comprehend?
we have murdered
“those people”
so different, unimportant and
but rather, our own …

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