What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Love Lives Here

"Love Lives Here" by emerging artist Fania Simon

Supper eaten – dishes washed
Today’s long hours of toil
Wind down like the clock
We will find our rest this night
I look around me at this
Humble, sturdy house
And my heart smiles with contentment
… For love lives here

Love lives here
In the very mortar between the bricks
It has seeped into the walls which
Echo our laughter
Absorb our tears
It has reinforced the framework
The protective rafters which cover us
Keeping all within safe
While storms rage without

Love lives here
Circling around us at the mealtime table
As we join our hands in prayer to give thanks
While we work, talk and play
Affection grows here daily
Even as we sometimes disagree
We can do so with respect
Taking care not to trample
That which has been cultivated with such great care

I lay my head upon the pillow
Waiting for sleep to take me drifting
The quiet house around me
Creaks, as it settles into sleep
Happily, I will float onward to the Land of Nod
For I know in my heart that in this place
From which I launch my craft
… Love lives here indeed

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