What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tatty Bye

Tatty bye
Tatty bye
You whispered in my ear
Whist I did cry
I did not know what you meant
With your strange, “Tatty bye”
Only later did I learn
It was a soft, sweet farewell

Tatty bye
Tatty bye
I whispered to myself
As an uplifting chant
In nights of following solitude
It became my mantra
Seeing me through difficult days
The aching, endless, lonely abyss

Tatty bye
Tatty bye
You did not fancy me, after all
I was a fool for love
To believe you had honestly cared
My desire for your devotion
Was greater than your scanty strength
We were not meant to flourish, after all

Much has passed in the course of our lives since that day
So changed am I from the woman you bid adieu
I salute your memory – sending up a prayer for you 
Here - I offer you a final kiss in friendship, my dearest
Off you go now
On your way, then
Tatty bye
I wish you well
Tatty bye
Tatty bye
Best in life to you
Tatty bye … Tatty bye

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