What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Rainbow Sans Blue

“Blue …
Any other color will do
Perhaps, I think
A different hue
But no, please
Never, ever --- blue”

He read my quizzical brow
An unasked question
Pasted there upon my forehead
I allowed not my lips to form
The, “Why”
A curtain materialized between us
Hanging mid-air on a rod of silence

She liked blue”, he did explain
“For twenty-two years
A blue car I drove
My clothing too
Carpet, walls, furniture … all blue
She ran my life – then ran me through
So no ma’am, thank you
It will not do”

Taken aback by my otherwise shy, newly-single friend
He had asked for a viewpoint feminine
Regarding decor for his post-divorce abode
No blue allowed – could this be true?
Manly mainstay of masculinity

So, I showed him red – a color of passion for his bed
In hopes he could rediscover-rekindle his flame
With majestic purple accents of royalty
For the man who rules his own life
Yes, to yellow - to remind him of the sun
On dreary days, far too long
When loneliness calls unbidden
To overstay its welcome

From the palette of all nature
He is free to choose
The texture and color his life
At liberty to create a rainbow of his own
The spectrum entire at his command
Though I doubt he will ever
Bear the blue

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