What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Finding My Voice

At the gathering of rhymers - where first I did recite
Were other poets more worthy-polished; oh, so erudite
Metaphorically in pinafore-pigtails; I rattled-shook with fright
Standing meekly solo at center stage - in blinding beacon’s light

That day I did unveil my soul; its nakedness to expose
For I was still a tender babe in art of verse and prose
Much like the turkey carved - for Holiday's buffet
Fat, skin, gristle gone – the superfluous cut away
Leaving only the meat of me hanging from the bone
As I poured out my essence there; so profoundly alone
Laid bare as I was – ever fearful of rejection
I expected no less than my merciless dissection
For a rhyming verse of faux face - I knew I had not shown
But truest reflection of inner heart; which was my very own

As years progress, as I mature - my poet’s voice grows strong
Still, some days my voice will squeak or l get the meter wrong
I boldly now do add my cry to the turbulent, cacophonous song
Of poets, writers, rhymers, dreamers – noisy, wondrous throng!

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