What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Of Daisies and Roses

In my youth
A daisy I was
Plain faced
Easy to please
A daisy

Most young men I knew
Wanted only roses
Unblemished - symmetrical
Perfect in their dewy, delicate beauty
Richly perfumed breath
With no time at all for a simple daisy like me

Life has a sense of humor though
For roses require constant attention
They scream “high maintenance”
With plenty of thorns for a gardeners trouble

As years have passed
A few roses of my acquaintance
Have lost their bloom
Their dewy freshness evaporated
Sadly, some are utterly lost
Living in the long shadow of a glorious past
Now that they are no longer admired for their grace
I have come to realize that
Daisies are beautiful
A unique and lovely allure they possess
Roses and daisies are both meant to bloom, after all

My sage advice for selecting a mate
Is to look with your heart
Take your time - you can wait
For your eye can't be trusted - it will deceive
Attraction is not love
Once it's gone - you may leave
The beauty you can feel
Is the kind that is real
and …
Daisies make lasting bouquets

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