What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Revived - Resuscitated

Hurtful, cruel comments
Cutting remarks
Of others in my past
Who sneered and jeered
Belittled – then whittled me
Down to a stub of nothingness
When I shared my dreams

So I learned from them,
These knife tongued men,
Not to dream, wish, have desires
For dreams are dangerous things
To carry around in your pockets
Since they are all too easily broken
Crushed to dust

I found it best to pretend
That my dreams didn’t exist
…  At all  …
So I pushed-shoved them
Far into the back corners of drawers
Way behind my socks and sundries
In dark airless spaces
Without food or light
Hoping they would die

Then we met … you and I
In your gentle ways
I saw goodness – felt the hope
That genuine love brings
Your caring taught me
The value of caring for myself
Giving me the courage
The will
To dare to dream again
I gained the strength to revive - resuscitate
My emaciated desires
Allowing the sweet breath of life
To flow back into them, and myself,
Once more

My dreams have since flourished
Taken flight
Growing far beyond anything
I could have imagined
Thanks to you
My wildest, most wonderful wishes
Are alive - Coming true

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