What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Emissaries of Summer

Lavish winged parchment
As butterflies flutter by
Aloft - alighting
Perfect petalled pedestals

Dappled light dances
Filmy twin ailerons
Zig-zag-zigged floating
Ends in fragrant nectared rest

As a child, I thought
Butterflies were fairies whose
Magical kisses
Urged blossoms to blush their hues

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Note from the Author

Pablo Picasso was quoted as saying, “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary”.   I feel the same way about writing poetry, it is very much autobiographical – a form of journaling.   

Happy Anniversary!

June 2, 2011 will mark the three month anniversary of the creation of Push Button Poetry.  Since that time I have written and posted forty-six original poems.   This has been an exciting time for me creatively, as I had not made a serious effort to write for many years.

Prior to beginning this blog, I did a great deal of research regarding poetry blogging.  Nearly everything I read indicated that most modern readers are no longer interested in poetry.  Therefore, I began this journey solely as a creative outlet - expecting little readership; other than a few family members and perhaps, some close friends. 

In its first three months of existence, this blog has had more than 1,100 visits by readers of poetry from more than 30 countries.  Thank you for helping to prove the “experts” wrong.  Poetry, prose and a genuine love for the written word of our magnificent language are very much alive and well. 

I am sincerely humbled and honored that you have joined me here!  

I look forward to the next three months of writing and creating.

K. C. Nash

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Of Daisies and Roses

In my youth
A daisy I was
Plain faced
Easy to please
A daisy

Most young men I knew
Wanted only roses
Unblemished - symmetrical
Perfect in their dewy, delicate beauty
Richly perfumed breath
With no time at all for a simple daisy like me

Life has a sense of humor though
For roses require constant attention
They scream “high maintenance”
With plenty of thorns for a gardeners trouble

As years have passed
A few roses of my acquaintance
Have lost their bloom
Their dewy freshness evaporated
Sadly, some are utterly lost
Living in the long shadow of a glorious past
Now that they are no longer admired for their grace
I have come to realize that
Daisies are beautiful
A unique and lovely allure they possess
Roses and daisies are both meant to bloom, after all

My sage advice for selecting a mate
Is to look with your heart
Take your time - you can wait
For your eye can't be trusted - it will deceive
Attraction is not love
Once it's gone - you may leave
The beauty you can feel
Is the kind that is real
and …
Daisies make lasting bouquets

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Revived - Resuscitated

Hurtful, cruel comments
Cutting remarks
Of others in my past
Who sneered and jeered
Belittled – then whittled me
Down to a stub of nothingness
When I shared my dreams

So I learned from them,
These knife tongued men,
Not to dream, wish, have desires
For dreams are dangerous things
To carry around in your pockets
Since they are all too easily broken
Crushed to dust

I found it best to pretend
That my dreams didn’t exist
…  At all  …
So I pushed-shoved them
Far into the back corners of drawers
Way behind my socks and sundries
In dark airless spaces
Without food or light
Hoping they would die

Then we met … you and I
In your gentle ways
I saw goodness – felt the hope
That genuine love brings
Your caring taught me
The value of caring for myself
Giving me the courage
The will
To dare to dream again
I gained the strength to revive - resuscitate
My emaciated desires
Allowing the sweet breath of life
To flow back into them, and myself,
Once more

My dreams have since flourished
Taken flight
Growing far beyond anything
I could have imagined
Thanks to you
My wildest, most wonderful wishes
Are alive - Coming true

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Farewell in Any Language

Why is “Good-bye”
The wrench used to loosen hearts
So that they free fall
Shattering to splinters?

Rivers of tears
Won’t bring back love; restore faith
Torrents endless fall
As grief drowns life away

In any language
Farewell is a word of pain
Finality aches
Yet love’s eternal power
Endures beyond the grave

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Second Hand Man

I found a man …

Got him second hand
He handles well
Low mileage; good tires
Well maintained
Kind of sporty
Nice clean lines
A classic in the making

He tends to accelerate
Running fast
Souped up V-8
Hitting on all cylinders
Man doesn’t know ---
The meaning of slow
When I hit the gas
He will not hesitate
When I hit the brake
He hates to de-accelerate

Yes, I've got a man …

Found him second hand
Yet he's a first rate guy
I vow to keep his tank
Filled up with love
Yes sir, folks ...
That's my plan

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Platitudes of the Multitudes

So close
In age - resemblance
Mistaken as twins
As we grew up and apart

Untimely – too early
As a vital young man
Of his life

Well meaning
Yet empty
Endless stream of words
Platitudes of the multitudes
Who nothing else knew
In their difficult discomfort
But to blurt out, unthinking,
“Time heals all wounds”

Does not – can not
Traumatic injuries
So deep
That the slightest breeze
Could blow straight through me
Ruffling my clothes

So many
My shoes squeaked and sloshed
Leaving puddles of grief
On the floor
Where I walked

Did not – could not
Heal me
Though grief now
Is not raw
It is still here
Always, ever
Hovering near
Whispering softly
In my ear,
"He is gone
 He is gone
 He is gone"

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Poem - Like a Prayer

A poem
Like a prayer
Soul’s whispered utterance
Often guttural; sometimes fair
Transcends reality
Rescues me - from despair

A verse
Like a balm
Soothes troubled spirit with rest and calm
Reminds measureless humanity has trod
Same arduous path of life
Resolutely - forward plod

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Finding My Voice

At the gathering of rhymers - where first I did recite
Were other poets more worthy-polished; oh, so erudite
Metaphorically in pinafore-pigtails; I rattled-shook with fright
Standing meekly solo at center stage - in blinding beacon’s light

That day I did unveil my soul; its nakedness to expose
For I was still a tender babe in art of verse and prose
Much like the turkey carved - for Holiday's buffet
Fat, skin, gristle gone – the superfluous cut away
Leaving only the meat of me hanging from the bone
As I poured out my essence there; so profoundly alone
Laid bare as I was – ever fearful of rejection
I expected no less than my merciless dissection
For a rhyming verse of faux face - I knew I had not shown
But truest reflection of inner heart; which was my very own

As years progress, as I mature - my poet’s voice grows strong
Still, some days my voice will squeak or l get the meter wrong
I boldly now do add my cry to the turbulent, cacophonous song
Of poets, writers, rhymers, dreamers – noisy, wondrous throng!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Same Question ... Repeated

"The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates 

The incessant question of
The why – why – why – why
Razing self; to clear new ground

I was created
To reason, ask, seek truth
For in asking “why”
I am my most human self

God knows the answers
To every question
I ask for faith – courage
To hear his reply

It is difficult
To listen with open mind
Sitting silent - still
Disclosure, so long delayed

Mortal element
By nature does not
Ever tire of asking, "Why?"
The pattern ever repeats

The ancients
These same inquiries made
No different were they ...
Than you or I
For 'tis only human to question, "Why?"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dancing with Phantoms

You have begun to accept
That what you had wished for
Never really was
So agonzing, the weight of that reality
Even after all these years

I can see in your face
You've been dancing with phantoms
Indulging in the "What might have beens"
The "If onlys" can have gotten you down
Re-breaking your heart anew
To steal your joy away

Aren't you ready to move forward
To invite happiness into your life?
Embracing the possibility of a future real
The past is gone - it can't be changed
I pray you choose to let it go

You've been dancing with phantoms
Indulging in the "What might have beens"
The "If onlys" can have gotten you down
Re-breaking your heart anew
To steal your joy away

I ask you to reclaim your life
To take my hand and trust once more
To dare believe in the healing power of love
Won't you stop dancing with phantoms to
Come .... dance with me?

For Momma at Mother's Day

The first songs I ever sang
Were taught to me
At Momma's knee
Her clear soprano voice
Carried melodies
Oh, so sweet to me
No birdsong can compare to
Soft - low lullabies
That soothed away my baby cries
Lulling me to slumber's shores
In the arms of one adored
As Momma sang to me
Warmth of her love enfolded me

My first prayers offered
I knelt beside my toddler's bed
A tender child; the sleepyhead
Tiny hands folded together reverently
My eyes shut tight
As Momma prayed; with faith and might

In her job of raising me
Momma knew
That as I grew
To teach me to become a woman of integrity
Was God's calling for her mother's heart
I thank you, Momma
Your love has never failed me
With your help
I am the person God has created me to be
The race is won
Your part is done
Come, rest here in my love's warmth a while
I'll sing you close to slumber's shores
Lean on me
She whom I ... do so adore

Book of Proverbs - Chapter 31

10 A wife of noble character who can find?
   She is worth far more than rubies.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
   her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
   but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
   and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Empress of Jasmine

This tiny safe haven
Well shielded
From winged-whining vampires
Hovering close; hunger crazed buzzing
As they bump-bump-bump
Against the wall of mesh screening
Desperate to devour us

Crickets draw their bows
Rasping them against the strings
Serenading symphony
Pulsating harmony

Evening cool slowly slips into
An empty rocking chair
Settling in for a cozy sleep
Wrapping herself with
Thick blanket of heady fragrance
Issued by blossoming jasmine
Un-replicated yet by finest French perfumers
Each delicate flower's essence
So mulitudinously multiplied
Filling this small porch - my lungs - my head
Until I am intoxicated/besotted/giddy

Tenderly, you take my hand
Raise it to your lips
Gently pressing there
Sweetest kiss full of meaning
As though holding close
Something sacred or rare

Tonight I have become ... The Empress of Jasmine
Surrounded by love
By song
By nature's spicy perfume most exquisite

I am, by far, the wealthiest woman
To ever draw breath
A fortune in treasure untold, I posses
For I have discovered a crown of joy complete
Here with you

Behold - I am she -
The Empress of Jasmine
Elevated to royalty by the
Power of your affectionate regard
Sovereign of this limitless realm of love
My kingdom, no larger than a postage stamp
Yet, my dominion far exceeds the bounds of
Infinite Universe