What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Freedom Precious

You pushed me out
To seek freedom precious
I, just the mill stone
Whose dull-boring dead weight
Dragged the “we” of us
To an untimely grave

Longing … No, lusting for
Life on your own terms
Adrenaline junkie; seeking novelty
Abhorring the sameness by
Worshiping the rush

Craven, craving ever driven
To locate your next hit
No rest from addiction
Or the thrill of the chase

Crater in your soul
Where selfishness
Pools deeply
Uncaring, hollow man-husk

Long line of your victims
Deal with the fall out
Left in the wake
Of the destruction you are

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