What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's About Time

Time ...
by virtue of your very nature
you wait for no man
jitteringly anxious – agitating for advance
irritating in your inability to sit idle
irksome, your incessant need to pace the floor
forthandback; backandforth
‘til the boards groan and squeak
the planks of this stage
grown weathered and weary
their varnish worn thin from
your too vigilant patrol

Tick ...
Constantly counting
monotonous metronome
tock-ticking spigot
whose drip-dropping dribbles
of seconds and minutes
will find no repair
forming puddles which transform
young poets and writers
to blathering old blethers
retelling – rehashing; repeating/repeating
the same tired prose
‘til their tongues turn to wood
Tock ...
idealistic youths
so energetic and vital
microscopically changed
through course of each day
to curmudgeonly crabby crusts  
of stale, inedible  bread

Tick ...
you have corroded
majestic deep purple
mystic cloud living mountains
ground-pulverized them to
boulders – stones - pebbles – sand
Tock ...
even our bodies, not spared the same fate
as you scrunched-hunched our very bones
to aching gnarled twigs
brittle hardened pipes
of  living cement

Time ...
onward you will steam roll
straight through; then far past me
when I will be liberated
from your infernal marching
freely floating from fetters
a fluttering bubble
drifting on the breath
of eternity's wind

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