What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby Mama - Stop Your Drama

You have had a bad breakup
But a real friend will tell you
Hard-plain truth
Painful though it may be
I am relating
Only what I have witnessed
I’ll be silent no longer, Girl
Your sweet kids
Are so dear to me

I’ve been watching your children
Slowly dying in silence
As you utter one vindictive
Slashing dagger of a word
After the other
Against their father
Cutting that man to pieces
The Daddy they so dearly love

Baby Mama - Stop your drama
You’re no Queen - Not royalty
This situation
Is no longer about you
You are hurting your children
Yet you refuse to see

Poisoning your children’s minds
Trying to turn them
Away from their Dad
By telling them lies
So ugly - so vile
Because of your bitterness
Still, oh so angry
So filled with hating-hurt
Your words are abusive and
Oh, so wrong

Baby Mama - Stop your drama
You’re my friend – yet even I can see
This situation
Is no longer about you
You are killing your children
Yet you refuse to see

The hurt you inflict
Will grow them into
Adults who are broken
Incapable of loving
Don’t you realize that children
Need both of their parents?
They are not traitors
For loving their Dad

So Baby Mama – Stop your drama
You’re no Queen - Not royalty
This situation
Is no longer about you
You are destroying your children
Yet you refuse to see

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