What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

For My Would Be Suitor

The Persistent Suitor - Frederico Andreotti

When affection first blossomed here
The springing growth did catch me
Completely off guard - so unaware
No kernel was planted within my sight
I, ignorant of its forming
As an unspoken, germinating seedling
Growing between us
How could this be?

When infatuation first unfolded here
I battled hard; clawing, yes, brawling
Fighting mad - drawing blood
As I only imagine
Wild animals do battle
Insanely bent; crazy never to be caught
Not to be erased – slaughtered – laid waste
Dissolved – coalesced to one half of a duo
So struggled I, valiantly
For my one and only life

When devotion first announced herself
Unbidden, unwanted, unwelcome, unwarranted
I felt hemmed in
By arm's caged embrace
I was lethally brutal
Poisonously severe
No gambling coquette, I
Rejected you outright
Chased you from my borders
Bade you not return

Go now,
Would be suitor
I ask nothing from you
Except for your absence
I desire nothing else
But your exit from
These premises
Leave me now, kind Sir
To live alone in peace

Go now,
Find a woman
Who might treasure, love, adore you
As I am not she
And never will be

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