What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Silent Treatment

I will not wish for death
For I experience it early
As a trailer … the preview
While I still desolately live

As intruder in my own home
I feel the sickening-prickles of
Your porcupine anger pointed out toward me
As sharpened pikes from each pore you possess

Proud recipient of your infamous,
Ill humored “Silent Treatment”
It has again come my way
As I anticipated it would

Smugly cloaked in your heat
Isolated - yet happy to be so
So self-righteously angry
As you revel in its warmth
You mutely glower; emanating loathing

Caught up in your own wrath
You are, unaware of my decision
Deliberated with much pain, yet so final 
I will coldly abandon you
With frigid arctic zeal

I will leave you to live, inexorably alone
I forsake you to immerse yourself
In the prolific silence
You have so masterfully crafted with care

You will be at liberty
To self-indulge in your
"Silent Treatment"
As often as you wish
I hope it may be
As much a "treat" for you,
As it has been for me

For silence will be
Your sole companion now

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