What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gunslinger Grouchy

Annie Oakley - "Little Sure Shot"
 Her wise husband understood she "needed space" when experiencing PMS
So tired am I today
Weary from worry
Worn down to a frayed nub
Warped by sleep’s deprivation
Into my agitated worst self
Whom even I cannot stand

Haggard woman, I detest you
Sauntering toward me in the mirror
Like a gunslinger with a grudge
A hair-trigger finger at the ready
Irked at the whole world
For no reason at all

I am hormonally homicidal
Ignore the viper
Into which I have hatched, please
For your safety; I implore you
Let me crawl under the covers
To endure my mood crazed meanderings
This jumbled stir of estrogen-progesterone
Chemical soup that defines me as a woman
Last - nerve - plucked - jangled
Inner combat zone

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