What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Storm Is A Brewin'

I can smell the rain
Well before other senses
Discern the coming
Of advancing storms

Odor of fresh earth
So pungent; it is tasted
Hangs heavily
Afterward, rain falls in sheets

Curtain of water
Fall here to shield me from view
Far from prying eyes
Privacy penetrators

I predict in you
A brewing storm of the kind
Most never witness
Nor should sane men wish to see

Spiraling cloud - Killing wind
Will destroy this house
Resurrected never more

I feel the increase
Breezes whipped up to strong gusts
The storm is upon us
Go now, run to safety ... hide

So I Blinked

Woman with Closed Eyes - Leonardo DaVinci
I've watched over you
Through your darkest hours
When unhappiness
Tore a wound so deep
I could see straight through you

It was too gruesome
To near observe - so I blinked
Turning my head
Just for a little while
To calm my anxiety

When I dared look back
I was stunned-shocked-stricken by
What I did not see

It was empty ...

The place where your heart

... Should have been

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Westminster Abbey

Queen of stones, most beloved
Aged woman of more than nine hundred years
Concealing well her maturity
Still solid
She has the look of a well maintained,
Wealthy matron

If she could speak
If she would but cry out
To tell of the
Generations; Generations; Generations
She has seen, felt, heard
Immeasurable, the worshipful prayers uttered here
How many candles lit?
Their melting wax dripping down like the years
Drop-drip-dropping into puddles
On these cool stone floors
Countless the songs from a multitude of voices
Raised in this place as joyful praise
Quiet now - hushed/shushed into whispers
By the unrelenting sleep of the ages

History alive - Breathing still within these walls
Ceremonial services of state
Weddings and Coronations
Royalty - Dignitaries - Artists - Saints - Heroes
Those who once were fierce rivals in life
Unwilling-Unable to share in earthly glory
All buried close, within this stronghold
All rest as equals now
Lying silent and still
Before their maker

In this sanctuary
Newly aware of my own insignificance
I am nothing more than
A mote of dust
An infinitesimal speck of humanity
Caught between
The here and hereafter

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby Mama - Stop Your Drama

You have had a bad breakup
But a real friend will tell you
Hard-plain truth
Painful though it may be
I am relating
Only what I have witnessed
I’ll be silent no longer, Girl
Your sweet kids
Are so dear to me

I’ve been watching your children
Slowly dying in silence
As you utter one vindictive
Slashing dagger of a word
After the other
Against their father
Cutting that man to pieces
The Daddy they so dearly love

Baby Mama - Stop your drama
You’re no Queen - Not royalty
This situation
Is no longer about you
You are hurting your children
Yet you refuse to see

Poisoning your children’s minds
Trying to turn them
Away from their Dad
By telling them lies
So ugly - so vile
Because of your bitterness
Still, oh so angry
So filled with hating-hurt
Your words are abusive and
Oh, so wrong

Baby Mama - Stop your drama
You’re my friend – yet even I can see
This situation
Is no longer about you
You are killing your children
Yet you refuse to see

The hurt you inflict
Will grow them into
Adults who are broken
Incapable of loving
Don’t you realize that children
Need both of their parents?
They are not traitors
For loving their Dad

So Baby Mama – Stop your drama
You’re no Queen - Not royalty
This situation
Is no longer about you
You are destroying your children
Yet you refuse to see

Friday, April 22, 2011

Blessing for Your Marriage

Heartfelt blessings for the
Happiness of this union
As two independent vines
To grow  
As one

With the culmination of your love into marriage
You may feel your delight has reached its zenith
However, I pray it will continue to multiply
With the passing of each day

May your bride
Find in you the hero of her existence
Her truest soul’s affectionate friend                                              
In the depth of her attachment
May her passionate flame
Burn solely for you, her husband
As a man worthy of her respect
Fidelity and allegiance

May your groom
Increase in fondness daily
As a husbandman takes great care
With a soft and gentle shoot
Tended to with tenderness
May your husband’s love
Protect, cover and keep you in safety
With his passion solely for you, his wife
His most devoted friendship freely shared
All of your days

Freedom Precious

You pushed me out
To seek freedom precious
I, just the mill stone
Whose dull-boring dead weight
Dragged the “we” of us
To an untimely grave

Longing … No, lusting for
Life on your own terms
Adrenaline junkie; seeking novelty
Abhorring the sameness by
Worshiping the rush

Craven, craving ever driven
To locate your next hit
No rest from addiction
Or the thrill of the chase

Crater in your soul
Where selfishness
Pools deeply
Uncaring, hollow man-husk

Long line of your victims
Deal with the fall out
Left in the wake
Of the destruction you are

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I still have the snapshot,
Although it is a mental one,
It shows where I was standing
The clothes I was wearing
When I first admitted
My secret to my truest self
That I loved you – oh, so loved you
Nothing else mattered

Timeworn that snapshot
Though still clear in my mind’s eye
My affection remains unrequited
Never once reciprocated
In the many long years since
How dare I reveal now
Such a secret to my truest self?
My adoration is undimmed
Resolute - enduring - constant
Nothing else matters – for I love you,
Oh so richly-deeply love you, even still

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gunslinger Grouchy

Annie Oakley - "Little Sure Shot"
 Her wise husband understood she "needed space" when experiencing PMS
So tired am I today
Weary from worry
Worn down to a frayed nub
Warped by sleep’s deprivation
Into my agitated worst self
Whom even I cannot stand

Haggard woman, I detest you
Sauntering toward me in the mirror
Like a gunslinger with a grudge
A hair-trigger finger at the ready
Irked at the whole world
For no reason at all

I am hormonally homicidal
Ignore the viper
Into which I have hatched, please
For your safety; I implore you
Let me crawl under the covers
To endure my mood crazed meanderings
This jumbled stir of estrogen-progesterone
Chemical soup that defines me as a woman
Last - nerve - plucked - jangled
Inner combat zone

Sunday, April 17, 2011

For My Would Be Suitor

The Persistent Suitor - Frederico Andreotti

When affection first blossomed here
The springing growth did catch me
Completely off guard - so unaware
No kernel was planted within my sight
I, ignorant of its forming
As an unspoken, germinating seedling
Growing between us
How could this be?

When infatuation first unfolded here
I battled hard; clawing, yes, brawling
Fighting mad - drawing blood
As I only imagine
Wild animals do battle
Insanely bent; crazy never to be caught
Not to be erased – slaughtered – laid waste
Dissolved – coalesced to one half of a duo
So struggled I, valiantly
For my one and only life

When devotion first announced herself
Unbidden, unwanted, unwelcome, unwarranted
I felt hemmed in
By arm's caged embrace
I was lethally brutal
Poisonously severe
No gambling coquette, I
Rejected you outright
Chased you from my borders
Bade you not return

Go now,
Would be suitor
I ask nothing from you
Except for your absence
I desire nothing else
But your exit from
These premises
Leave me now, kind Sir
To live alone in peace

Go now,
Find a woman
Who might treasure, love, adore you
As I am not she
And never will be

The Silent Treatment

I will not wish for death
For I experience it early
As a trailer … the preview
While I still desolately live

As intruder in my own home
I feel the sickening-prickles of
Your porcupine anger pointed out toward me
As sharpened pikes from each pore you possess

Proud recipient of your infamous,
Ill humored “Silent Treatment”
It has again come my way
As I anticipated it would

Smugly cloaked in your heat
Isolated - yet happy to be so
So self-righteously angry
As you revel in its warmth
You mutely glower; emanating loathing

Caught up in your own wrath
You are, unaware of my decision
Deliberated with much pain, yet so final 
I will coldly abandon you
With frigid arctic zeal

I will leave you to live, inexorably alone
I forsake you to immerse yourself
In the prolific silence
You have so masterfully crafted with care

You will be at liberty
To self-indulge in your
"Silent Treatment"
As often as you wish
I hope it may be
As much a "treat" for you,
As it has been for me

For silence will be
Your sole companion now

Saturday, April 16, 2011

House Lions Fierce We

Kitty kitty - mumblebus grumblebus
Complaining chorus; we like not to wait
Want want - nomsy food now; why bowl not full ups?
Silly woman up your hurry; you so slow - we irate

Catty catty – sleepsings; we needs more of
mousy dreamings; sweet spot on bed we
tiredness day - night long the stretchingnesses
Warm warm - we yawning pile purring pretzels
Pillows soft we likes – after sleeps, naps wants all we

Love love - we can do; if mood strikes our fancies
Her woman keep guessing; say all of we
Knead knead - her so comfy lap; stay here, maybe
house lions fierce we; elfin tigers be

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's About Time

Time ...
by virtue of your very nature
you wait for no man
jitteringly anxious – agitating for advance
irritating in your inability to sit idle
irksome, your incessant need to pace the floor
forthandback; backandforth
‘til the boards groan and squeak
the planks of this stage
grown weathered and weary
their varnish worn thin from
your too vigilant patrol

Tick ...
Constantly counting
monotonous metronome
tock-ticking spigot
whose drip-dropping dribbles
of seconds and minutes
will find no repair
forming puddles which transform
young poets and writers
to blathering old blethers
retelling – rehashing; repeating/repeating
the same tired prose
‘til their tongues turn to wood
Tock ...
idealistic youths
so energetic and vital
microscopically changed
through course of each day
to curmudgeonly crabby crusts  
of stale, inedible  bread

Tick ...
you have corroded
majestic deep purple
mystic cloud living mountains
ground-pulverized them to
boulders – stones - pebbles – sand
Tock ...
even our bodies, not spared the same fate
as you scrunched-hunched our very bones
to aching gnarled twigs
brittle hardened pipes
of  living cement

Time ...
onward you will steam roll
straight through; then far past me
when I will be liberated
from your infernal marching
freely floating from fetters
a fluttering bubble
drifting on the breath
of eternity's wind

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

For Kathryn

Friend of so many years
you stand at a crossroads
stymied in a place
where indecision reigns

I stand as mute witness
to your courageous struggle
frozen by a sense of helplessness
not knowing what to say or do

I long to help you
yet I lack the skills or strength
to make all things better
to chase away the dragons
to sweep out the corners
where scary spiders dwell
I'd smooth out any bumps
over which you might stumble
but I too am unsure
as to which path you will choose

So know, my dear friend
if I could wave a magic wand
to make all things better
to give you clear foresight
with not a heartbeat's hesitation
I would, dear
I would

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pas De Deux (Dance of Two)

a new song today
the lyrics of life renew
enchanted by melody
solitude is bid adieu
a fine tune to dance
the waltz step of lovers true
allegro three quarter time
joyous, this pas de deux

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Buzz of a Gossip

"Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you."  ~ Spanish Proverb

you were my friend,
or so I thought,
until you buzzed … buzzed … buzzed
about me to someone lethal
who waited on tenderhooks
eagerly anxious to hear
your acid tongue
burning me to bits

your cutting words
razor-edged axes
me to pieces
buzz … buzz … buzz
you chummed the waters with me
luring in the
slowly circling sharks
which fed on me with frenzied fury
who whirl-whipped water
of white foamed waves
to pinkish froth
by the letting of my
life’s blood

since your final betrayal
I have taken shears in hand
clipping out - your diseased tongue 
by mercilessly pruning away
the hulking dead growth you are
from my life
buzz … buzz … buzz
you will sell my confidences 
to the highest bidder
no more

In Blue Eyes

losing myself
in blue eyes
which plunge
the very essence of me
to unfathomable depths
of azure

hurled to highest stratosphere
a human rocket
launched by penetrating gaze
of cobalt light sky

surrendering to
blue eyes
where dark lashes dart
flit - soar - dance
as birds above whitecapped waves                    
on twin sapphire seas