What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Honeymoon Hiatus

Have you been
about my

It's been
so long,
she's not
written a word
since ... ?

I've gotten

My man now sleeps here
each night in my bed


This newlywed blessed-bliss
has trumped everything

Though, I do adore
crazily cadenced
odes - those
with their

I've been
in this wife-life
where just breathing
this woman's
affection starved soul

Love astir
being ...
intensity is
dwell here

so undeniably,

Monday, July 23, 2012

Beloved David

I’ve never been needy
But I need you
To be clingy
Yet, I do now cling

My own vulnerability
So underdeveloped
Has me quavering
In awe
In fear

Exoskeleton of
“Been there; done that”
Served to insulate and protect

I do wonder
At long last
What I fought so hard
To guard against
Why I battled with all that I am
Against the love
Which has recreated me
As though newly hewn
By the hand of God
An Eve in Eden
I am made 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

For The Love Of A Good Man

"Dance at Bougival" 1883
Pierre-August Renior

For the love of a good man
My impatient wait
A weight
Of longing
Years too long

For the heart of a kind man
I did despair
Solely uncovering
Shattered spiteful souls
‘Neath layers of feigned tenderness

For the love of a generous God
Has wrought goodness
From evil circumstance
Leading me to find you
We, oh so perfectly, imperfect
Yet perfectly suited for one another

In the embrace of your heart
I do revel
Grateful and blessed
For the love of a good man

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bad Puns for Great Poets

You ran me through
With pointed Shakespeare
Warmed my heart
With a Frost
Intrigued me with all of your
Cummings and goings
Enriching me by endowing
Your Poe words

‘Twas on the road less traveled
I perceived an odd Plath
An Angelou spoke to me
As I stood Emmerson in Wilde thought
Sun’s piercing rays caused Burns
Browning me to various Hughes
Although I could not Barrett

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What's The Answer?

Ask yourself …
“What is success?”
That mini-mansion
Or expensive dress?

Kids in pricey
Private schools
Curricula teaching them
“Money rules”

Can one purchase
An audience with God?
For that would surely
Demand a wad

Is love for sale …
Or is it free?
My heart and mind
Do not agree

Where you dine
A chic address
Baubles that shine
Don’t mark success

 I ask myself …
“What is success?”
My actions have meaning
Not what I profess

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Sea Called My Name

The sea called my name
So hers I became
On the tears of my ancestors
I sailed without shame

On placid glass smooth
Was I comforted, soothed
By her gentle rocking
I am healed and renewed

In the womb of the sea
Happy, protected, free
Blissful – unconcerned
That terra firma
Waits for me

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Taking Aim

Does the cure exist?
To quell this frail woman’s aim?
O’er hardened ramparts
I loosed flaming darts aloft
In hopes of igniting you

My desire confessed
I see now; I’ve missed the mark
Your eyes tell volumes
These arrows return to their quiver
Lest, in my fall to despair
I pierce my own heart through

Sunday, April 29, 2012

An Angry Man

"Anger" by Charles Le Brun  c.1660

there was an angry man
born of an angry clan
all his kin were angry
ere since time began

he lived an angry life
he even took a wife
eventually she left him
for she craved peace; not strife

his angry days drew to a close
yet even in his final throes
his seething, raging, anger boiled
he found no rest in death’s repose

he ended up in angry hell
you must admit, it’s just as well
for anger's burning cancer kills
when invited by a soul to dwell

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Sign of Our Time

It’s a sign of our time
So many dear ones
Used up their last dime

It’s a sad commentary
I no longer read headlines
Their jolting makes me wary

I have surgically cut out
All luxurious “extras”
I abhor this burning drought

Has prosperity passed?
Can ingrained spunk outlast?
Or is poverty … a state of mind?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Urban Dictionary's Definition of Triflin': Consistently lying. Always up to no good. Sneaky. Suspect. Whorish. Always scheming. Conniving. (Should never be trusted)

Makes me grateful
For barrel's riflin’

Help my shot
Ring out
Straight and true
Gonna rid my life
Of triflin' you

A triflin’ man
You’ve been
E’cept you didn’t know
Who you was
A-triflin’ with

Tell it to
Da man,
Da man
‘Cause he don’t care
No more ‘en I do

He know’d too
Just as I do
You was just
A triflin’ fool
Who got caught up
In all dem lies

Oh, so lady killin’
Shockingly a-chillin’
Ain't never said though
I wasn't a willin'

You ...
Oh, so stiflin’
Predictably triflin’
That is much too
Pitifully true

I'm dyin' if I'm lyin' 
Or exaggeratin'
'Bout the story of
Rotten old,
Irresistible ...

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I need some space
Onto me
You are
Ever present
"In my face"

So closely
You do
Walk behind
Often stepping
I yearn for room
To turn around
Without tripping over you

Struggling to get a breath
Your neediness squeezes me
Like the Anaconda's dinner
I'm longing to be set free
Ain't all its cracked up to be

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I hear rhyming-chimes
As grandfather sounds  
He ancient, tolls the hour --- BONG!
Unknowable tick-tocks pass
Could drive one to madness
Cheeky tickity-tick-tick – infernal mocking

Precise machine
Plugging-chugging away
All the night through
I tossing, do ponder … what (the tock-ticking) else can I do?
Where are you tonight, my Lord?
Am I so far from you?
Bing – Bong
Streeeeeeeumph! – At last, the clock strikes two

Have I not sought your face
Oh, creator most divine?
Be near me; most dear to me
Galloping heart keeps tempos time
Alone, with fitful frightful thoughts
So strange, they only haunt at night
My nerves, a tangled ball of knots 
I will time's hand to move for me
Bing – Bong - Bong
Streeeeeeumph! – At last, the clock strikes three

Watch over me Lord
(My soul does pray)
In your loving care do keep
Chase this restlessness away
For I've counted a flock of sheep
On the pendulum I swing
From drowse to aware
 ... Drat it all!
Why can’t I sleep?

Friday, March 30, 2012

If You Must

Go now,
If you must,
To conquer the world
Though it lead you far from me

Think me cold,
If you must,
With my cool, smooth façade
(Though inside pummeled blue)

Go now,
For I see you must,
The die has been cast
Alone, you'll cross the Rubicon

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The We of Us

too well
do I remember
the we of us
immature bliss-blessed

our clothes lay
around us on the floor
scattered like petals
from a fading bloom

we were the center
of both the universe
and blossom
pistil and stamen – we

I squandered springtime
sowing a mighty whirlwind
in ignorant arrogance
I did harvest the squall

only too well
do I remember
the we of us
still I do mourn
for that infinite loss

Friday, March 2, 2012

Little Susie Sunshine

good morning,
good morning
little Susie sunshine
I welcome your return …
(and not a moment too soon)

I have yearned for
your happy face
that frilly collar
of finest lace
elegant grace

welcome home,
welcome home
most dear
little Susie sunshine
whose bright warmth
has brought a beaming smile
to this winter-weary
heart of mine

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Cure for Writer's Block

"Show me a woman sporting a new pair of shoes
and I'll show you a new woman", K. C. Nash

I’ve hit a dry spell
my own personal
where once a well-spring did gush
I am become a cactus
prickly-stickily dry  

cranium’s well drained
verses, not one, race-chase now
uninspired … MEH …
tired old poetess needs-needs
sweet, bright fuchsia peep-toed heels
to resurrect noggin's wit

Sunday, February 12, 2012

En Pointe

Arched foot exquisite
Too delicate to be strong
Or so it would seem
Resilient grace pirouettes
As the awed gallery gasps

Smooth satin toe shoes
Cradle twin twinkling rockets
Music incarnate
Athlete-acrobat enchants
Heart’s soar in breathless wonder
Effortless, her arabesque

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Cold, Cold Leaving

‘twas a cold,
cold leaving

knocking us flat
suffocating us
our breath labored
grief's hostage held
in a room without air

‘twas a bold,
ancient trek
oldest known means of egress
as you tread through
that narrowed portal
betwixt lightness and dark
yes ... 
yours was a form
most extreme of
a cold,
cold leaving

stupid with shock
stumbled about
lost utterly
bruised, our bodies desperate
to escape
the reaper’s scythe, so near
we blundering-blinded
lurched into the walls

a fire extinguished
doth leave the ground smoldering
even whilst the smoke rises

‘twas a cold,
cold leaving

quick on the heels of desertion 
does the frost reign supreme
immoral mortality
forces me to wonder
if your flame
solely flickered
amongst those corridors of
vacant echoing
empty chambers
which my heart
in the wake of such

a cold,
cold leaving

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For ...

‘tis the nature of humans
yearning always
for that
which we may not have

to have a prayer answered
in the affirmative
is not always
the pleasant dream-come-true

disinterested distain
can settle in
once an object of desire
is obtained

how is it …
neath the searing beam
of penetrating reality’s glare
is bright lustrous allure
transformed to revulsion?

snuffed out
as a guttering candle
passion’s flame all consuming
extinguishing ever
affections warming light

take great care, my friend
your treasured heart's desire
which you …
wish for
pine for
pray for
may one day
come to you

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Blustery Day

biting wind
ferocious damp
chill permeating
bone, soul and sinew

a day most ideal
for sitting near the fire
with a nice cuppa tea
steaming bowl of stew

pattering rain
has shattered
doggy’s daydream
of a walk in the park

she sniffed misted air
never leaving the stoop
retreating post haste
to the warmth of her bed

her loud snoring belies
a lack of disappointment
some days are not meant
for walks after all

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Liar, Liar

have kept
in a laboratory beaker
each drop of
poisonous venom
you have spoken
without so much
as second thought

not for a second
had you envisioned
that I would collect
the raw
complete sample
the data unaltered

(and a stupid one at that)
an innocent
I adore
only …
because you thought
you could

the evidence
has spoken
its truth

scurrilous  notes
written in your own hand
can not
be attributed
to anyone else

shame on you
though you are too hardened
by self-pity
self-loathing’s shell
of narcissism
has inured you to guilt

go away.
you pester
like a droning,

know this
if I one day
get the chance
I shall …
strike out
swatting you down
as a gesture
of mercy
for all decent people

to sweep you away
into the compost heap
is fitting justice

you shall
lie (and lie and lie)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dance of the Circles

dance of the circles
lassoing legs with chirps and meows
as I do formally announce
the long anticipated
dinner hour

annoying  …
bare bowl
has lain empty
since lunch time
most unsatisfactory
state of events

no cream
in the saucer
lapped up
hours ago
the service here
I daresay
has quite … gone to pot

elegant am I
having deigned to grace you
though mere serfs and peasants
with my revered, regal presence
I implore you to respect
the divine right of cats

the lateness of the meal
has awakened my tiredness
I will dance in a circle
of ever decreasing size
here, in your lap


You may pet me now


I will ...

... allow it ...


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ready to Dream

I am ready …

To lie still
On these sweet, clean sheets
Odor of sunshine
Airy fresh breezes
To listen to voices from within
As though from afar
Relating to me what is most real
From the vantage point of
My most vulnerable self
Yet unschooled in guile

To effortlessly glide
Into an inner world
Freely roaming
This realm of mind
Hearing the truths
From which I’d prefer to hide
Honest sub-conscious
Does utter reality
Incising me with its
Precision blade of exactness