What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I hear rhyming-chimes
As grandfather sounds  
He ancient, tolls the hour --- BONG!
Unknowable tick-tocks pass
Could drive one to madness
Cheeky tickity-tick-tick – infernal mocking

Precise machine
Plugging-chugging away
All the night through
I tossing, do ponder … what (the tock-ticking) else can I do?
Where are you tonight, my Lord?
Am I so far from you?
Bing – Bong
Streeeeeeeumph! – At last, the clock strikes two

Have I not sought your face
Oh, creator most divine?
Be near me; most dear to me
Galloping heart keeps tempos time
Alone, with fitful frightful thoughts
So strange, they only haunt at night
My nerves, a tangled ball of knots 
I will time's hand to move for me
Bing – Bong - Bong
Streeeeeeumph! – At last, the clock strikes three

Watch over me Lord
(My soul does pray)
In your loving care do keep
Chase this restlessness away
For I've counted a flock of sheep
On the pendulum I swing
From drowse to aware
 ... Drat it all!
Why can’t I sleep?

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