What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For ...

‘tis the nature of humans
yearning always
for that
which we may not have

to have a prayer answered
in the affirmative
is not always
the pleasant dream-come-true

disinterested distain
can settle in
once an object of desire
is obtained

how is it …
neath the searing beam
of penetrating reality’s glare
is bright lustrous allure
transformed to revulsion?

snuffed out
as a guttering candle
passion’s flame all consuming
extinguishing ever
affections warming light

take great care, my friend
your treasured heart's desire
which you …
wish for
pine for
pray for
may one day
come to you

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