What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wild, Wild Hair Song

I got a wild, wild hair
growin’ free without a care
when I woke up with it this morning
it was growing down to there
now I don’t want a razor
I really dig it, I swear
step back my friend
let me enjoy
this wild, wild hair

I got a wild, wild hair
flapping in the breeze
just wait another day
and I’ll be swinging from the trees
some people may not like it
but I don’t really care
‘cause I am gonna wear and bare
this wild, wild hair

I got a wild, wild hair
what is happening to me
I want to be free
from responsibility
let the people gawk
let ‘em whisper and stare
‘cause they are only jealous
of my wild hair’s flair

Yes, I got a wild hair
but I can not sing the blues
I'm enjoying dancing barefoot
now I can not find my shoes
let's stay awake 'til sun-up
karaoke if you dare
temporary insanity
'cause I got a wild hair 

I got a wild, wild hair
flapping in the breeze
just wait another day
and I’ll be swinging from the trees
some people may not like it
but I don’t really care
‘cause I am gonna wear and bare
this wild, wild hair
I love – I love - I love
my wild, wild hair

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