What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doctors of Nada

I did so dearly want to study the words
But science was “where the money lived”
So I diligently memorized
Method scientific
Mastered the mean, median and mode
Completing the curriculum
While living as pauper
At last, I turned the tassle on my cap
So that it would hang over my heart
Then I turned on my heel and left

To a life filled with
Scratching, clawing, climbing a
Corporate ladder made slippery
By the slime of all the slugs and eels
That had slithered upward before me
I gripped, I fought, reaching for the upper rungs (and hung and hung)
On for dear life

Now after eons
I’ve returned to the hallowed halls of learning
Ivy covered brick walls
Musty mausoleums for the living
Where dust and ideas lie idle on the floor
Waiting for the janitor to come sweep them away
Others who profess treat me with disdain
As the undereducated, unimportant impostor
Without a degree of the proper elevation

Those whose divine right is
Self proclaimed
Academia’s royal line
Doctors of nada, zip, zilch
Snobby snots
Bookish robots
Do not possess
Original thoughts
I loathe their hubristic vanity
As I wrestle with the words beloved
(Which usually pin me to the mat)
God’s gift to me of a poet’s soul
Has saved my very sanity

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