What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, July 29, 2011

At Home

Lying in your arms
My head resting upon you
Pulsing heartbeat beneath my ear
Telegraphs the message that
I am home - I am home

Hold me - enfold me
Surround me with your tenderness
Like the softest fleece blanket, pulled up beneath my chin
For this is the place where strength is renewed
Secure - here in this warm, strong refuge
Mystic sacred sanctuary of sincerest love’s embrace

We sail the world
Oh, so wonderfully wide
In sleep - clasped as one
Having found safe harbor
No matter the mooring place
When in each others arms
We are home – We are home – We are home

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Glimmer Man

Glimmer man – glimmer man
Shiny dazzling shimmer man
Constantly recalculates value of all
Not warmth nor love does he recall
Boasting - toasting his diversified portfolio
If debt or interest to him you owe
Obsessively singular in his thought
Repayment, assuredly, will be sought

Glimmer man – glimmer man
Has there ever been a grimmer man?
To increasing wealth compulsively driven
An atom of self will not be given
Without a promissory note
Or an advantageous quote
He is selfish/stingy/greedy - with all he says or is
At pinching a penny ‘til it screams – he’s quite a natural wiz

When mortality meets him face to face we’ll bury him with his gold
Entombed, surrounded by treasures rich 
Just as the Pharaohs of old
In death, as in life, he will be unchanged
If the truth be told
Whether corpse or living-breathing man
Unfeeling, hard and cold

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Loving Cup

"The Loving Cup" by Gabriel Dante Rosetti    

Playing it safe - so easy
Refusing to take chances
Results in a semi-life
Regretful backward glances
Choices made with love, not fear
Bring fullness which enhances
Overflowing loving cup
Spills down to yield romances

Monday, July 18, 2011

Between the Lines

I do not regret the time we spent together
Loving you was the bravest thing I have ever done
Although I, at last, was forced to break our binding tether

Moving forward in life – through time and space
I have missed you every single day since we parted
No evidence you were ever in my life – not a single trace

I am victorious, having worked through the pain you gave
Still so desperately in love with you, my darling
To your whims of fancy – no longer your slave

Sunday, July 17, 2011

For the Love of Lightning Bugs

Summertime's sun
Radiantly kisses earth
Ripening plantings
We made together in spring

Tomatoes on vines
First green - blush to pink, then red
Flavor exploding
Sunshine’s taste - melts on my tongue

We have a contest
Spitting watermelon seeds
From the back porch steps
Chins, hands, shirts - sticky with juice

Exuberant kids
Play “Red Rover” ‘til darkness
Barefoot in the grass
Chasing lightning bugs with glee

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doctors of Nada

I did so dearly want to study the words
But science was “where the money lived”
So I diligently memorized
Method scientific
Mastered the mean, median and mode
Completing the curriculum
While living as pauper
At last, I turned the tassle on my cap
So that it would hang over my heart
Then I turned on my heel and left

To a life filled with
Scratching, clawing, climbing a
Corporate ladder made slippery
By the slime of all the slugs and eels
That had slithered upward before me
I gripped, I fought, reaching for the upper rungs (and hung and hung)
On for dear life

Now after eons
I’ve returned to the hallowed halls of learning
Ivy covered brick walls
Musty mausoleums for the living
Where dust and ideas lie idle on the floor
Waiting for the janitor to come sweep them away
Others who profess treat me with disdain
As the undereducated, unimportant impostor
Without a degree of the proper elevation

Those whose divine right is
Self proclaimed
Academia’s royal line
Doctors of nada, zip, zilch
Snobby snots
Bookish robots
Do not possess
Original thoughts
I loathe their hubristic vanity
As I wrestle with the words beloved
(Which usually pin me to the mat)
God’s gift to me of a poet’s soul
Has saved my very sanity

Friday, July 8, 2011

Surviving the Dry Season

So dry, this desolate grassy savanna
Where nothing, no nothing
Is gained without a heavy cost
Life hangs on by a shallow, panting breath;
A delicate, sticky spider's thread

Even the repulsive buzzards beg
Very nearly evoking my pity
Flailing their wings
Screeching - scratching at the ground
For a precious drop of moisture from
Water holes - long since dried
Into hardened, cracked shards of pottery

Hellish heat
Eternal inferno
Fevered shimmering clouds ablaze
Undulate with their taunting dance of seduction
Rising from the earth to appear
To my sun addled brain
As vertical waves of water
Precious … precious water

I am mad with thirst
Crazed by the relentless heat
In this arid, barren season
It is nearly time for the rains
Will they never come?
Heaven sent droplets
Falling liquid sustenance which allow us
To survive ... to live ... to thrive
I pray for the rain that will once again
Stream down my face in rivulets, like tears

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blame it on Fate

The Fates
by Egron Selif Lundgren

I have love in my life again
Love from an imperfect, yet caring man
Who loves me in spite my failings - faults
He is a good man … a tender man
Yet some days, I’ll confess, I’m still sad
About the ending of you and I

I am still amazed at the crazed, difficult meanderings of life’s path
Fate - like a reckless, drunken fool who staggers through the darkness
Incapable of finding the way home again
Fate - who touches us all - changes the course of a life at her whim
Death, loss, grief, renewal-rebirth, joy – an eternal circle
The constancy of cycling change - such a humorless joke
Does nothing last? ...  Does nothing last?

I have love in my life again
Love from this imperfect woman, who cares for a tender man
I love him for all that he is and even more for all that he is not
I am a good woman … yet a woman who worries about the future
For some days, I’ll confess, I’m afraid
About the ending of he and I