What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In the Tall Grass

You have been warned
Yet you are unheeding - unbelieving
Of your need to back away
To retreat … cautiously
To leave, quietly taking the measure of
Every movement you make
In the presence of such a
Wild, unpredictable animal 
As the lioness quietly growls her intentions
Here, in the tall grass

Until now
A peace loving person
Have forgiven you seventy-times-seven
For your trespasses against me
Have now witnessed your harming ways
Evil deeds - Maiming words
Wrought against someone innocent
Whom I do so dearly love
Mistook my polite tolerance of you
As a sign of my weakness
A grave misjudgement
Are a bully - nothing more than a petty tyrant
Showing no mercy for those whom you victimize
Therefore, I will be merciless

I am unafraid
So ready am I
Trembling with anticipation
Spoiling for the fight I know is coming
I will face you
Call you out – challenge you
We shall battle to the death
I will call a spade a spade
For that is the shovel with which
You wanted to bury me and mine …
Is it not?

The lioness who lives within has been set free
She whose basic instict is to protect her own
Can not be recalled, once released
Will be obliterated
Not a trace of you shall remain in this place

Coiled like a spring - ready to attack
Silently, patiently - I wait here for you in the tall grass
A bit closer now … yes, come closer
The stench of your fear hangs in the stagnant air 
My power surges through my every molecule

As a bolt of lightening
Deftly dealing the killing blow
My furious roar of ferocity
The last earthly sound that you hear

Silence ... then relief
For you are gone - will harm no other
My clan now safe
Still, I shall keep watch a while longer
Lone vigilant sentinel
Here, in the tall grass

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