What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What if you were here today?

Cupid at the Masked Ball
by Franz Von Stuck

What if you were here today?
Would quavering voice or a salty stray tear betray?
Hands, would you shake or shiver?
Lips, I would forbid you to quiver

I would hope to appear as a strong, unbroken stone
Though cold-hard down to my core; so very much alone
I would have you see me standing up – my posture straight and tall
Not knowing how you had crushed me – or how far I once did fall

What if you were here today?
You would see the mask I wear each day
Covering my visage with an inscrutable disguise
Concealing my most painful scars - created by your lies  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Waiting for a Spark

Never at a loss
For words - wit - repartee
I stand before you
Struggling to communicate
Desire inexpressible

My voice has failed
Its rasping croak betrays
Fear choked throat so parched
Disobedient wooden tongue
Stubborn, unmoving stump

Better a letter
Elegant prose relating
All which fills my heart
But the words fall off the page
Spilled cascading waterfall

Stricken to muteness
My hand is still – pen is dry
I’ve become a lump of coal
Dumb idle slab hunkered down
‘Til passion’s flare ignites me

Friday, June 24, 2011

Little White Lies

Little white lies
Lies of omission
How hard I work to justify
My suppression of the facts
Dilution of the truth

I am half convinced
That my lack of candor
Is sparing you
Feelings of hurt - betrayal
I do wonder,
Could truth told with a loving heart
A gentle, caring tongue
Ever bring harm?
… Yet, I know it can

So many “truths”
That would mercilessly chop - drop
Felling ... like a tree
The life and heart
Of someone dear

Better to carry
This crushing guilt
Reality's burden
Than to break your heart
By uttering a word

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It was a Humpty Dumpty Day

Two dimensional
You thought me
Flat as paper
So you put me in the pile to be discarded
Ran me through the shredder
Making confetti out of me
Tiny unrecognizable pieces
Of the woman I once was
Broken down
Down and broken
Broken up

It was a Humpty Dumpty day
When you threw me away
It didn’t take all the King’s horses
Or all the King’s men
To put me back together again
Fragile - fragments
For I picked myself up 
Slowly, surely I did mend
Now I claim joy
The pain you've inflicted
Has come to an end

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Tempo increases
That little jolt of my heart
Wakens tiny finches
Fluttering against my ribs
How I wish they were bluebirds
Moving me to happiness

Empty attraction
Perjures my mind with a lie
My heart does not love
Nor can I make it do so

I wish I were a bluebird 
To far rainbow's end
I would take wing and fly
Such a joyous place
Where tears come from laughing
And there is no reason to cry

Thursday, June 9, 2011


What would I do without this small box with tiny keys?
Would I read a book in the sun or enjoy the ocean's breeze?
Perhaps I’d walk the dog or to housework I would tend
Compose a letter, weed the garden or dine with my best friend
“Keeping in touch” through technology – feels as if something has died
Instead of being liberated, I am somehow unnaturally tied
To electronic gadgetry-widgetry-wizardry, however large or small
Electronii plural-portable ever with me; I won’t miss a text or call
The paranoia of being unreachable - part of our cold new world, so brave
Begs the question, which must be asked … are we now master or slave?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In the Tall Grass

You have been warned
Yet you are unheeding - unbelieving
Of your need to back away
To retreat … cautiously
To leave, quietly taking the measure of
Every movement you make
In the presence of such a
Wild, unpredictable animal 
As the lioness quietly growls her intentions
Here, in the tall grass

Until now
A peace loving person
Have forgiven you seventy-times-seven
For your trespasses against me
Have now witnessed your harming ways
Evil deeds - Maiming words
Wrought against someone innocent
Whom I do so dearly love
Mistook my polite tolerance of you
As a sign of my weakness
A grave misjudgement
Are a bully - nothing more than a petty tyrant
Showing no mercy for those whom you victimize
Therefore, I will be merciless

I am unafraid
So ready am I
Trembling with anticipation
Spoiling for the fight I know is coming
I will face you
Call you out – challenge you
We shall battle to the death
I will call a spade a spade
For that is the shovel with which
You wanted to bury me and mine …
Is it not?

The lioness who lives within has been set free
She whose basic instict is to protect her own
Can not be recalled, once released
Will be obliterated
Not a trace of you shall remain in this place

Coiled like a spring - ready to attack
Silently, patiently - I wait here for you in the tall grass
A bit closer now … yes, come closer
The stench of your fear hangs in the stagnant air 
My power surges through my every molecule

As a bolt of lightening
Deftly dealing the killing blow
My furious roar of ferocity
The last earthly sound that you hear

Silence ... then relief
For you are gone - will harm no other
My clan now safe
Still, I shall keep watch a while longer
Lone vigilant sentinel
Here, in the tall grass

Friday, June 3, 2011

This Man ... Este Hombre

Passionate Latino ways
Fair skinned Americano
Spanish, his mother tongue
Light-blue-eyed gringo

Since a babe
Growing wild
On an equatorial mountain
Like his rainforest beloved
Mellow cadenced speech recalls
Softly strummed strings
Of guitars accompanying
Lyrically poetic songs
Sung by sunny breezes
On the rich coast
- La Costa Rica -
Between two seas

This man ... Este hombre
Caught - trapped
In between
Starkly different cultures
As a man without a country
Whose Spanglish ideas
Blunt a sense of belonging
In either familiar latitude 
Too Latin to be American
Too American to be Latin
He yearns to be home
With no rest for his longing