What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Rainbow Sans Blue

“Blue …
Any other color will do
Perhaps, I think
A different hue
But no, please
Never, ever --- blue”

He read my quizzical brow
An unasked question
Pasted there upon my forehead
I allowed not my lips to form
The, “Why”
A curtain materialized between us
Hanging mid-air on a rod of silence

She liked blue”, he did explain
“For twenty-two years
A blue car I drove
My clothing too
Carpet, walls, furniture … all blue
She ran my life – then ran me through
So no ma’am, thank you
It will not do”

Taken aback by my otherwise shy, newly-single friend
He had asked for a viewpoint feminine
Regarding decor for his post-divorce abode
No blue allowed – could this be true?
Manly mainstay of masculinity

So, I showed him red – a color of passion for his bed
In hopes he could rediscover-rekindle his flame
With majestic purple accents of royalty
For the man who rules his own life
Yes, to yellow - to remind him of the sun
On dreary days, far too long
When loneliness calls unbidden
To overstay its welcome

From the palette of all nature
He is free to choose
The texture and color his life
At liberty to create a rainbow of his own
The spectrum entire at his command
Though I doubt he will ever
Bear the blue

Monday, August 29, 2011

Love Lives Here

"Love Lives Here" by emerging artist Fania Simon

Supper eaten – dishes washed
Today’s long hours of toil
Wind down like the clock
We will find our rest this night
I look around me at this
Humble, sturdy house
And my heart smiles with contentment
… For love lives here

Love lives here
In the very mortar between the bricks
It has seeped into the walls which
Echo our laughter
Absorb our tears
It has reinforced the framework
The protective rafters which cover us
Keeping all within safe
While storms rage without

Love lives here
Circling around us at the mealtime table
As we join our hands in prayer to give thanks
While we work, talk and play
Affection grows here daily
Even as we sometimes disagree
We can do so with respect
Taking care not to trample
That which has been cultivated with such great care

I lay my head upon the pillow
Waiting for sleep to take me drifting
The quiet house around me
Creaks, as it settles into sleep
Happily, I will float onward to the Land of Nod
For I know in my heart that in this place
From which I launch my craft
… Love lives here indeed

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Hurricane Looms

A hurricane looms
No safe refuge for me and mine
For we all inhabit the same stretch of coast
Close to the place where
This angry, churning killer
Will make landfall

Swirling-twirling-whirling mass
A juggernaut
Into and against us
First from one direction – then from the other
Torrential rains hammering at the windows
Eerie winds howling like screaming banshees
Weird wordless wailing warns of the death she brings
Lurking ominously there in her cold, dark waters
Which she will convey from the deep
Rising up like a charmed cobra, to strike far inland
"Storm surge”, it is called
A living, menacing wall of water
Like a powerful, rabid animal which will not retreat
It is a nightmarish tidal wave without end 
In its wake - drowning, destruction, death

Our beloved ocean has turned against us
Nipping-snipping at our heels
The fragility of life
Comes to mind
Storms will roll over us
Which we are powerless to stop
… Yet, we can survive

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

To Love-Hate Haiku

I love-hate Haiku
Ornery syllables taunt
Seventeen devils

Herding wayward cats
Greased pig wrangling, easier
Cranky words defy

Compliance refused
Stubborn louts, giggling imps
They rule here, not I

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tatty Bye

Tatty bye
Tatty bye
You whispered in my ear
Whist I did cry
I did not know what you meant
With your strange, “Tatty bye”
Only later did I learn
It was a soft, sweet farewell

Tatty bye
Tatty bye
I whispered to myself
As an uplifting chant
In nights of following solitude
It became my mantra
Seeing me through difficult days
The aching, endless, lonely abyss

Tatty bye
Tatty bye
You did not fancy me, after all
I was a fool for love
To believe you had honestly cared
My desire for your devotion
Was greater than your scanty strength
We were not meant to flourish, after all

Much has passed in the course of our lives since that day
So changed am I from the woman you bid adieu
I salute your memory – sending up a prayer for you 
Here - I offer you a final kiss in friendship, my dearest
Off you go now
On your way, then
Tatty bye
I wish you well
Tatty bye
Tatty bye
Best in life to you
Tatty bye … Tatty bye

The Art of Living

Reconciles the pardoned
To a heart most gracious
Both receive healing peace

Quite impossible
To grasp – while letting go
The choice must be made …
Hold onto hatred
Or release a painful grudge

Such an easy term to write
Yet, so difficult to do
The art of living begins
Where deed and word intersect

I must live truth – not fiction
Today … I choose to forgive
Setting us both free 
To delight in God's precious
Gift of life, in harmony

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Must Know

I must know
Must have assurance
Beyond a doubt
If you love me … or don’t

Waiting, wondering, worrying
Weighs heavily upon me
In a state of constant limbo
So … “yes” or “no”
Do you love me or
Shall I go?

The pain from being rejected
Could never match
This unending misery
Of being unsure

If my heart must be broken
Then break it on the rock of truth
For that is the way most humane
Either answer will end
This agony most exquisite
Please, tell me now ...
I must know

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summertime Rain

Summer rain falling
Roars its thundering drama
Lightning’s pulsing flare
Turns the night sky to day

Summertime rain
Slices heat as a honed scythe
Cooling mists whisper
Sultry secrets on the breeze

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gem in Stemmed Glass

The sparkle is caught
In a snare most divine
As it swirls about
My glass of wine
Vino mas fino
Fruit of the vine

Red as a ruby or
Diamond white
Gem in stemmed glass
Dances in the light
Arbored vine’s fruit
Most cheerful delight
Vino mas fino
Sweetens the night

Friday, August 5, 2011

This Old Dog

My dog Madeline (a.k.a "Maddie")

This old dog
This mongrel mix
Whose dainty Collie face
Refutes Labrador’s sturdy frame

She is eleven
In people years, of course
Yet really she is seventy-seven
A little old lady who rolls in the grass
She has a sense of humor
Did you know dogs can laugh?

This old dog
Is slowing down
Swallowing pills for arthritic hips
She loves short walks
To ride in the car
Her head out the window
Free wind blowing all around her
Leaving smears of drool on the glass

This old dog
Is my companion
As well as my dear friend
She may be old
Yet, she is beloved
And will remain so
Long past her end

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Sweetest Riddle

‘Neath my fingertips
Patient strength conveys understanding
Virile, hairy, muscled man
Unfashionably tufted
He - no immature, denuded youth
In the style loved by the media modern

My nostrils detect
Clean musk, scented masculinity   
Intoxicating breath yields
Wafting essence which enchants
Dizzying me - as Adam did Eve
Eden's enigmatic paradise regained

Gorgeous mystery
How such differences attract
I am silk – he is leather
He, all rough whiskers – I, smooth curves
Useless, half of a whole when parted
This sweet riddle – I pray, never will be solved