What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Curse of Being Shy

I suppose you haven’t noticed
The way I make excuses
To stand near you
With my senses on overdrive
My bass drum of a heart
Pulsing out a beat so loud
I could swear
It is audible
To everyone else close by

I suppose you haven’t noticed
My gaze adoring
A shy, flickering flame of a glance
Which I avert with lightning speed
Whenever you ever look my way
Only to witness
In agonizing detail
Each blade of grass
'Neath the shoes on my feet

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Love .... Or Somethin' Like It

Or somethin’ like it
Sure has got some nerve
Goin’ round foolin’ folks
Into believin’ they was feelin’
More’n they
Ever really did

Hmpf …

Or somethin’ like it
Has ruined lives aplenty
Scatterin’ the hope of folks
Into heaps of useless ashes
Smearin’ ‘em with the soot of failure
For all dem other folks to see


Or somethin’ like it
Ain’t  got no shame
Dang it all, dang it all
It won’t take no blame, y'all
Sorriest excuse for yearnin’
I ever seen

Hmpf …

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Morning's Sugar

Velvet mustache moves
Brushing downy kisses
Upon slumbered pout
Cupid’s bow is hidden
Beneath a cushioned hedge

I keep my eyes closed
Not wanting to disrupt him
As he says goodbye
Delighted, I look forward
To this evening’s kiss hello

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Eyes Have It

She’s got diamonds in her eyes
Plucked them straight from star lit skies

She’s got moon glow in her hair
Ringlets shimmering; so golden - fair

“Love looks good on her”,
I say
Sensing ere long
She’ll rue this day

Her eyes - too bright
Hot fevered light
Consequences dismissed
Disregarded outright

Now with her shiny, diamond eyes
She’s blind to looming grief
She’s trusting in lies – weak alibis
For a moment of passioned relief

She’s got diamonds in her eyes
Plucked them straight from star lit skies

She’s got moon glow in her hair
Ringlets shimmering; so golden - fair