What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

An Angry Man

"Anger" by Charles Le Brun  c.1660

there was an angry man
born of an angry clan
all his kin were angry
ere since time began

he lived an angry life
he even took a wife
eventually she left him
for she craved peace; not strife

his angry days drew to a close
yet even in his final throes
his seething, raging, anger boiled
he found no rest in death’s repose

he ended up in angry hell
you must admit, it’s just as well
for anger's burning cancer kills
when invited by a soul to dwell

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Sign of Our Time

It’s a sign of our time
So many dear ones
Used up their last dime

It’s a sad commentary
I no longer read headlines
Their jolting makes me wary

I have surgically cut out
All luxurious “extras”
I abhor this burning drought

Has prosperity passed?
Can ingrained spunk outlast?
Or is poverty … a state of mind?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Urban Dictionary's Definition of Triflin': Consistently lying. Always up to no good. Sneaky. Suspect. Whorish. Always scheming. Conniving. (Should never be trusted)

Makes me grateful
For barrel's riflin’

Help my shot
Ring out
Straight and true
Gonna rid my life
Of triflin' you

A triflin’ man
You’ve been
E’cept you didn’t know
Who you was
A-triflin’ with

Tell it to
Da man,
Da man
‘Cause he don’t care
No more ‘en I do

He know’d too
Just as I do
You was just
A triflin’ fool
Who got caught up
In all dem lies

Oh, so lady killin’
Shockingly a-chillin’
Ain't never said though
I wasn't a willin'

You ...
Oh, so stiflin’
Predictably triflin’
That is much too
Pitifully true

I'm dyin' if I'm lyin' 
Or exaggeratin'
'Bout the story of
Rotten old,
Irresistible ...

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I need some space
Onto me
You are
Ever present
"In my face"

So closely
You do
Walk behind
Often stepping
I yearn for room
To turn around
Without tripping over you

Struggling to get a breath
Your neediness squeezes me
Like the Anaconda's dinner
I'm longing to be set free
Ain't all its cracked up to be

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I hear rhyming-chimes
As grandfather sounds  
He ancient, tolls the hour --- BONG!
Unknowable tick-tocks pass
Could drive one to madness
Cheeky tickity-tick-tick – infernal mocking

Precise machine
Plugging-chugging away
All the night through
I tossing, do ponder … what (the tock-ticking) else can I do?
Where are you tonight, my Lord?
Am I so far from you?
Bing – Bong
Streeeeeeeumph! – At last, the clock strikes two

Have I not sought your face
Oh, creator most divine?
Be near me; most dear to me
Galloping heart keeps tempos time
Alone, with fitful frightful thoughts
So strange, they only haunt at night
My nerves, a tangled ball of knots 
I will time's hand to move for me
Bing – Bong - Bong
Streeeeeeumph! – At last, the clock strikes three

Watch over me Lord
(My soul does pray)
In your loving care do keep
Chase this restlessness away
For I've counted a flock of sheep
On the pendulum I swing
From drowse to aware
 ... Drat it all!
Why can’t I sleep?