What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Cure for Writer's Block

"Show me a woman sporting a new pair of shoes
and I'll show you a new woman", K. C. Nash

I’ve hit a dry spell
my own personal
where once a well-spring did gush
I am become a cactus
prickly-stickily dry  

cranium’s well drained
verses, not one, race-chase now
uninspired … MEH …
tired old poetess needs-needs
sweet, bright fuchsia peep-toed heels
to resurrect noggin's wit

Sunday, February 12, 2012

En Pointe

Arched foot exquisite
Too delicate to be strong
Or so it would seem
Resilient grace pirouettes
As the awed gallery gasps

Smooth satin toe shoes
Cradle twin twinkling rockets
Music incarnate
Athlete-acrobat enchants
Heart’s soar in breathless wonder
Effortless, her arabesque

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Cold, Cold Leaving

‘twas a cold,
cold leaving

knocking us flat
suffocating us
our breath labored
grief's hostage held
in a room without air

‘twas a bold,
ancient trek
oldest known means of egress
as you tread through
that narrowed portal
betwixt lightness and dark
yes ... 
yours was a form
most extreme of
a cold,
cold leaving

stupid with shock
stumbled about
lost utterly
bruised, our bodies desperate
to escape
the reaper’s scythe, so near
we blundering-blinded
lurched into the walls

a fire extinguished
doth leave the ground smoldering
even whilst the smoke rises

‘twas a cold,
cold leaving

quick on the heels of desertion 
does the frost reign supreme
immoral mortality
forces me to wonder
if your flame
solely flickered
amongst those corridors of
vacant echoing
empty chambers
which my heart
in the wake of such

a cold,
cold leaving