What You Will FInd Here ...

Join me in my celebration of life and language through poetry. You will find no hint of literary snobbery here. Much like our beloved English ... THIS poet is very much alive, fun-loving, growing and changing!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Oh, my boss is such a jerk
But I have to go to work
Gotta - gotta pay these bills
Which are piling into hills
So I’ll make a little rhyme
‘Cause it helps to pass the time

There are days I hate my job
Working for a stupid slob
I am dreaming of escape
My employer is an ape
Just about to lose my mind
Toiling at this thankless grind

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Hole In My Heart

There’s a hole in my heart
Where the love trickled out
Running down, to collect in my shoes

There’s a gash in my soul
From which innocence escaped
Betrayal's lethal blade pierced me through

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dancing the Jig in a Summer Rain

Did you ever long to run away by yourself to stop all of the noise in your life, feeling nothing but pure freedom, as one who is utterly untamed, unconstrained?

Have you ever abandoned your worries by dancing the jig in a summer rain storm, not worrying about getting soaked, struck by lightning, matted hair or ruining your good shoes?

Did you ever want to holler-scream-shout by letting loose with a grand yippee, loud enough to hurt your own ears, experiencing the air being expelled through your lungs and throat, to audibly revel in the gift of aliveness?

… me too

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Impressions Upon Meeting Ms. Arrogance

Your condescension
Quite too much to stomach
For I have a mind
(Though it be all I own)
Razor wit shaves ignorance

Shouting over you
A futile exercise
Ego deafened dolt
Poster child of narcissists
Astonishing self-pride

How is your colossal head
Lifted from the pillow
By such a slender neck? …
Do you employ
A crane
A sling
Or a whachamacallit thing?

Farewell, farewell oh
Boorish bore
I trust we shall converge
No more
If we meet, I will not stoop
To converse
With such a nincompoop

Friday, September 9, 2011

Jessie - Jesse

"Mother's Heart" by Laurie Justus Pace

Jessie - Jesse
so desperately  
I did want you to live
to be brought forth
into this world
my own existence became unimportant
with a joyful smile
I would have gladly have given my life
for yours
if doing so would have – could have, saved you

Jessie – Jesse
you flew away
in spite of my pleading, fervent prayers
unknowingly, I spoke into God's deaf ear
he, so stony and remote
who would not/did not hear me

sentenced to remain
my womb
my soul
my mind
only the grief
multiplying daily
filled the space
as the sole
green shoot

Jessie – Jesse
I so adored you
Inexplicably … as soon as I knew
that you grew within me
I had waited
long years
for you

Exultant thrill
sheer delight
in watching my belly grow
knowing you were strong
to feel your quickening
to hear your heartbeat
Jessie - Jesse
you came too early
could not survive
my beloved
beautiful baby

I have missed you
every single day since
I still hold you close
here, in my heart
my very own
sweet, wonderful
Jessie - Jesse

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Broken Stick

Misplaced hope
Oh, how mistaken I was
Unreliable man
My attempt to lean on you
So smugly wrong my part

If blame be dispensed
I bear the burden alone
You were far too weak
Immature - incapable
For that responsibility

A man-child
In a world of grown ups
My soul knew better
Still … I tried

A broken stick is
Powerless to hold its own weight
Let alone …
Buttress that of another

Ticker-Tape Parade

Warm skin
Chilled wine
Fevered kisses
Cool autumn breezes
Make for a long night
Kindling eternal, loving light

Feathery touch
Powerful embrace
Soft lips brush
I flush, though not from the chilly air
Arm-in-arm we tread
Falling leaves our confetti
Nature's ticker-tape parade

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ten Years On

A decade ago
Insane hatred convulsed-writhed
Terror’s legacy
Disbelieving horror
Vast crater of stuporous grief

Gloom sickened distress
Frantic prayers to heaven
Tears gushed from soul's spring
For innocents in harm’s way
Dead now … my naivete’